What is RECOM Project?


The "Redesigning Introductory Computer Programming Using Innovative Online Modules" (RECOM) project, funded by the European Union within the Erasmus+ KA226 program, aimed to bridge the gap between existing national engineering curricula and the needs of "Covid" and "post-Covid" generation students. The main objectives of the RECOM Project are to research best practices in online education for programming languages courses and to develop a comprehensive course plan that includes various learning materials such as video tutorials, case studies, e-quizzes, and mobile games. The project aims to build a strong bond between partners, facilitate collaboration, and enhance online education in the field of programming languages. The project brought together six partner universities: Yildiz Technical University, Burgas Free University, University of Palermo, University of Ljubljana, University of Karabuk, Tallinn University, and the Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) organization.

Overall, the RECOM Project targeted educators and students in the field of computer programming to enhance the quality of online and hybrid teaching practices, foster engagement, and improve learning outcomes. By focusing on these target groups, the project aimed to make a significant and lasting impact on computer programming education in engineering schools across Europe.

The project aimed to provide educators in the field of computer programming with the necessary tools, resources, and training to enhance their teaching practices in online and hybrid environments. The target group for educators included university professors and lecturers, teaching assistants and tutors, and faculty and staff. 


The project targeted students studying computer programming and algorithms in engineering degree programs.