TPM 1 (online) - 09 June 2021 – moderated by YTU
Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) 1 of the RECOM Project took place on June 9, 2021, using the Zoom online meeting platform. The main purpose of the meeting was to foster a strong bond between the project partners and to facilitate the planning and coordination of the project's activities. The meeting aimed to allow project partners to get to know each other better, share responsibilities, and discuss various aspects of the project.
The morning session started with an opening address by the organizers, Dr. Haydar Livatyali, Head of the Department of Mechatronics Engineering at Yildiz Technical University, and project coordinators, Dr. Huseyin Uvet and Dr. Tuba Ugras. Following the introductions, each consortium organization, including Burgaski Svoboden Universitet, Board of European Students of Technology, and Karabuk University, presented for 15 minutes each. After a coffee break, the introductions continued with presentations from Tallinn University, Universita Degli Studi Di Palermo, and Univerza V Ljubljani.
In the afternoon session, the meeting covered essential aspects of project management, including consortium communication plans, information sharing and storage, risk mitigation plans during the pandemic, and plans for monthly short-online meetings. The round-table discussions revolved around the project's aims and intellectual outputs, focusing on topics such as online/hybrid teaching practices for engineering subjects, best practices in restructuring computer programming course plans, web, and mobile-guided virtual programming laboratory (VPL), and instructional materials for online/hybrid programming courses.
During the meeting, participants revisited the sharing of responsibilities for various project activities, including the project work-plan and scheduling, project website, and project logo. The meeting concluded with suggestions for future meetings, reflections on the first TPM, the final TPM -1 meeting report, evaluation of the meeting, and closing remarks.
Overall, the first Transnational Project Meeting of the RECOM Project served as a crucial platform for building strong relationships among project partners and setting the foundation for successful collaboration throughout the project's two-year activities.